Carlos Flores-Mir
Employment: Tenured Professor at the University of Alberta
Extramural Private Practice as an Associate Orthodontist in Edmonton, Canada
Current Position: Director, School of Dentistry Graduate Studies, University of Alberta (since March 20)
Orthodontic Program Director, University of Alberta (since July 10)
Visiting Professor, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (since Dec 22)
Part-time Professor, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (since Sep 02)
Assistant Editor, The Angle Orthodontist (Since April 12)
Associate Editor, Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics (Since January 15)
Associate Editor, Journal of World Federation of Orthodontics (Since April 17)
Associate Editor, Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research (Since May 20)
Education: DDS (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia – Peru - 1994)
Certificate in Orthodontics (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia – Peru - 1998)
BSc in Stomatology (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia – Peru - 1994)
MSc in Stomatology (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia – Peru - 1999)
DSc in Stomatology (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia – Peru - 2002)
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Orthodontics (University of Alberta- Canada - 2005)
Presentations: More than 175 international presentations around the topics of Clinical Orthodontics and Evidence-based Orthodontics
Publications: 9 book chapters, 390 peer-reviewed articles and 43 commentaries published
Maxillary expansions - The bright and dark side of early orthodontic intervention in pediatric OSA patients
Lately, there has been increased exposure to the prospect of orthodontists helping manage pediatric OSA. Pediatric OSA is a complex multifactorial disease with a potential association of altered craniofacial features as a facilitator or as a consequence of chronic OSA in children and adolescents. The evidence in this regard is still in its infancy. Some colleagues are suggesting the potential benefits of early orthodontic intervention to prevent the life-long consequences of undiagnosed and untreated pediatric OSA. This presentation will focus on how epidemiology, proper screening and referral, normal craniofacial growth, and maxillary expansion timing must be considered in an interdisciplinary management approach. Although some children with OSA and concurrent malocclusion could benefit from an orthodontic intervention (i.e., maxillary expansion), not all do from the sleep-disordered breathing point of view. As in chronic diseases, one size fits all does not work well, so an orthodontic intervention without other concurrent approaches is unlikely to be successful. Hence, massification approaches are questionable.